Tuesday, March 31, 2009

And I call it 'NON-SENSE'

“Heard that guys? Azharudeen is going to contest in upcoming Loksabha election !!!” With my normal bass-treble level amplified to the peak degree of staggered astound ness I announced it during the lunch time to my colleagues. I have read this two days back in an English paper and with no prolonged thoughts, it made me think of those days when I was an inseparable Siamese twin of cricket. And it was these guys, who unashamedly burned the self pride of my country into ashes. And now, the same man of the bribery match is proudly acclaiming his luck to be the next leader. What the hell…..

“This news is not that worth as the TADA dada Sanjay Dutt is also be there”, said my colleague with a deep sigh of utter frustration. India, the homeland of millions, is now becoming the live venue of all the pledging ceremonies by all ‘anti-heroes’. Is it not ironical to say that a country blessed with the second highest human population has no eligible country-men lying on its lap to lift it up !!! As a responsible patriot, I feel humiliated; I feel dire; I feel horrifying. But. how can I react ???

As for me, a budding professional from an MNC truly wants to use her sword to chop these injustice into pieces and so I believe or rather expect the same scale of nationalism from all those who have the brains to think. Why do we face the extremes on all sides- to say, Mukesh Ambani on one shore and Ramalinga Raju on another ! Or will it be quoted in future as a yet another example for India’s diversification. Don’t know. Maybe by the time, I start cuddling all the white hairs, the scenario may have been reversed by 180 degress, giving me assurance and liberty ,atleast to hope and wish for the India of my dreams…..

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