Saturday, March 7, 2009

All for Motherhood...

“No mamma, not again!!! Stop being so old-fashioned”
The apathetic droopy expression of my little darling gave me a broad smile.
I was here, holding a well framed photoshoped photograph of my future-chance to be son in law. He was there in a well knitted suit with the same sophisticated expression of an IT professional, giving me a better chance to think that he was ‘fit and fat’ for my girl.

In case you are curious to know, who the so called ‘me’ is, let me dive into that. Well, in another sense you are now giving a chance to a girl who was bought up as a princess , to reveal how she changed into a well-grown up mom.

I am a renowned IT queen, who is well appreciated for the love, care and concern for the family. My better-half is a good old chap and is very keen about the daily stock market turn over as well as the swiftly emptied milk cans in fridge. We are known to be the best couple but unfortunately couldn’t bag any award as they did in ‘Rab de bana di jodi’. Hey, now don’t feel that my next statement will be about the dark truths of my married life. There is nothing to mention. Our life was always in light and the small mismatches were overcome by the warmth we feel under the blanket.

I remember, it was not the same after she came to our life, a well anticipated and well cherished arrival. It was hard to digest that I was no longer expected to have the routine pampering from my family. Oh God !!! I miss all those. Yet, it was fun to have her on my side and watch her grabbing all the attention that belonged only to me, once upon a time. The most amazing wonder was the drastic expression change of my hubbie cutie, from a responsible husband to a silly fool(as I address due to utmost love filled jealousy) , who got up in the middle of the passionate love making at night, to gently move the cradle for his baby girl to sleep tight.

I can recollect the nervousness I felt when she was safe in my womb. For me, for the girl who worried the very small bit by an injection needle, the scanning and routine check ups were all added extensions of tension. I used to be restlessness thinking of the baby who is happily kicking her mom as if her mom is a football and she is a magical player, while her caring mother avoided her favorite junk foods and soft drinks just for infant’s health. If she is treating me like this now, how she will turn out to be after pretty long years! Amigosh !!! That nightmare haunted me for a long time. Yet, the unquestioned bond of my relationship, with this naughty ‘kick’ specialist grew with time in a cherished corner of my inner heart.

I have never felt the exceedingly praised feeling of motherhood immediately after her birth. No doubts, seeing her lovely face for the first time was the happiest moment of my life. Yet, I wondered, how I am going to turn this un-sorted requirement document into the most valuable software. There he was, my hubby dear, by my side, feeling the translucence of my trembling fingers. I still remember the love dripped respectful expression he had on his face, when I opened my eyes, after giving into his arms, our FIRST child.

It was the beginning of a marathon race; a race in which I was the runner for all the quarters. I saw my husband whistling in regular intervals, giving me the motivation and all-those-required to keep myself from kneeling down. My aim was to reach the destination which in simple terms I call as ‘Growing up a child’.

She was a teacher, who taught her ‘rank-holder’ mom , the deepest feeling and contentment of being a mother. She was a sweetheart, whose innocent smile and non-stop laughs, made her tough dad, turn into the softest ever lived. She was an angel, whose serene expressions erased all the worries on the face of her ‘professional’ parents. And above all, she was the naughtiest, who let her mom bag the Nobel Prize for patience ;)

We enjoyed the days, the good old days, where we three studied together the vital base of knowledge, tat ‘A” is for APPLE and ‘B’ is for ‘BOY’. It was a hard to go back to the time when I had the prestigious achievement of adding 1 and 2 together without a calculator. I sat there, all baffled, when she, a girl of 12 years, told the multiplication table till 20, without a pause. For me, after joining engineering college, the knowledge of multiplication was deeply limited till 5 or 10. I applauded when she made her first speech on stage. For me, the very sight of stage was giving goose bumps. And all those made me conclude finally that, this ‘chubby girl’ is a far better performer than her ‘nerd’ mommy.

She was always a typical ‘daddy girl’. At times with a curious interrogative mind, I have explored the attraction factor which she possesses, that made my hubby feel this strong feeling of closeness with his daughter. Alas! There goes the possessiveness of a wife, all fall into pits. The non-ending chats she had with him regarding all the topics under the sun made me remember of the late night phone calls which we had during the days of our engaged-romance. Hey, I introduced this term for all those who fall in love with their fiancé after the formal/verbal fixation by parents. I feel proud of my daughter as she made him spend lavishly at ice-cream parlors and candy houses, as for me he was a guy who was very conscious about each penny he spent. Now I can’t stop myself from telling the fact that, his high interest in savings in utter contradiction to his partner’s high interest in spending, made us end up with two beautiful apartments in the heart of Cochin City ;) And in case you lost to touch that point, the poor spendthrift is none other than your narrator.

We stroke the firmament when she stood on the stage with the dark black coat, and long rawboned hat, receiving her bachelor’s degree from a veteran old ‘handsome’ guy. The enduring felicitations and speeches gave me umpteen time to look into the nook and corner of my daughter’s life, from the moment I saw her lying near to me on a hospital bed to this moment when she was firmly declared as a ‘graduate’. I looked at my husband, who sat near me, with the appearance of a calm saint and conceitedly acknowledging the victory of his only kid. The light blue suit was shining with all its pomp and glamour on his body, and that made me go back to the day when our wedding reception was held. The heavily worked blue saree of mine, was ignored and thrown away by the shining black sherwani that he wore. The look of a typical bollywood star, who was getting married to an ‘average’ looking girl ;))))

Now it was the time for the mom in me to begin the new chase – the son-in-law hunt. It was with gratification that I announced the news before my baby girl . Alas!!! She gave me the same typical weird look that I had thrown on my mom 25 years back. I adopted the clever mom tactics again. The passionate wish of parents to see her child as a well-decorated bride and the old age tribulations which is troubling her mom for years from then. Well, she kept mum. No comments from the mouth of the girl, who killed the opposite team mates with her powerful pointed knots during debate sessions. Hehe…. I won, Iam sure. Without giving another chance for her to revolt, I gave her a gentle kiss on cheeks without forgetting to do that with tear filled eyes.

And now I am back, with the newly photoshoped photograph. The usual response,
“No mamma, not again!!! Stop being so old-fashioned” made me swim across all these thoughts which I scribbled. Am I really old fashioned? Shall I give my sugar plum more time to think of a marriage? Is she really not prepared? Am I too early to bother her with this?????

Nooooo…… I am a mother! The thought struck me with a golden wedge and I am behind her all again, with the same photoshoped photograph ,forgetting all these thoughts which I had moments back;)))))))))And , there I go… begin a new fight with my lovely girl !


  1. Beautiful piece dear... :)

    I wonder if there is an autobiographical element in this, who you'd be... The mother or the daughter?

    Waiting for the next post...


  2. a beautiful dream of every girl.. nice articulation of words.. keep posting more..

  3. Nice one Anjukutty! I kept imagining you as the mom and the daughter :)
